The Paradigm


The Institute is where Geocommunetrics' work meets society. Our logo tells the story. The work of Geocommunetrics is meant to grow from individualized points of Self, through necessary connection, to fruitful collaboration. The Institute represents the compiled philosophies and practices of these collaborations, through ongoing workshops, projects, and presentations.


For a deeper look at the
Mission, Objectives, Values, and Orientations
of Geocommunetrics, see below.





As a laboratory for place-based identities, Geocommunetrics strives:

To collaborate with community-minded businesses and organizations to facilitate creative spaces of personal introspection, instances of neighborly coordination, and places of societal reconstruction.




We seek to become and to form realized identities through six core drives:

  • Develop individuals as actualized social agents. 
  • Define constraints and catalysts for creating a sense of belonging and "home-ness."
  • Establish temporary places and pivotal periods of group-trust.
  • Analyze social and political models to promote honesty and transparency.
  • Investigate spiritual traditions and scientific innovations in pursuit of common truth.
  • Practice all things with peaceable means toward peaceful ends. 


We act upon that which we act against: 

  • Locality - as defense against globalized homogeneity. 
  • Hospitality - in an environment of socioeconomic exclusivity. 
  • Synchronicity - to contrast a culture of fracture through individualism.
  • Vulnerability - in the face of disembodied and digitized anonymity. 
  • Liminality - in protest of practiced binaries  and false dichotomies.


We focus our experiments recognizing the four orientations of existence:

  • Self :: Agency + Analysis
  • Society :: Collaboration + Innovation
  • Nature :: Creativity + Sufficiency
  • Divine :: Complexity + Wisdom

WHO is the Institute?

WHERE is the Institute?

Foundational to Geocommunetrics is connection, collaboration, and creativity. Therefore, the Geocommunetrics Institute is our partnerships. Key partners in the past have been the City of Evanston Arts Council, the Ridgeville Foundation, the Evanston Community Foundation, Evanston Made, the Evanston Arts Center, and Stumble and Relish. 

You're probably seeing a theme: Evanston. Geocommunetrics' base of operations is in Evanston, IL. However, every place some Self calls home is fertile ground for experimentation with Geocommunetrics . The Institute is anywhere we are running a workshop, drawing up a design, making space for place and people. The work of Geocommunetrics can be at home anywhere you call home.